- Order of 21/03/68 establishing the technical and safety rules applicable to the storage and use of petroleum products in places
(not covered by the legislation on dangerous, unsanitary or inconvenient establishments and the regulations on establishments open to the public)
Article 93
Fire fighting
Fire extinguishers for installations using the petroleum products referred to in Article 1 must be type B1.
However, if the petroleum product is light fuel oil or heavy fuel oil, type B 2 may be used.
These extinguishers must be constantly kept in good working order.
In a building for collective use, a room exclusively reserved for the installation of devices must include:
- one 34 B 1 or 34 B 2 type extinguisher per burner normally in service with a maximum of:
- two fire extinguishers when the room has only one exit;
- four fire extinguishers judiciously distributed when the room has several exits.
- These extinguishers must be placed in the immediate vicinity of the exits and preferably outside the premises;
- a sand reserve of at least 50 liters placed outside the premises.
When, in a building for collective use, the storage area(s) are more than fifteen metres away from the room containing the devices or placed on a different level, the access route to this or these storage areas must include at each exit:
- a type 21 B 1 or 21 B 2 fire extinguisher;
- a sand reserve of at least 50 liters placed outside the premises.