- Arrêté du 23 juin 1978 relatif aux installations fixes destinées au chauffage et à l'alimentation en eau chaude sanitaire des bâtiments d'habitation, de bureaux ou recevant du public (ERP) (Decree of June 23, 1978 on fixed heating and hot water installations in residential, office and public-access buildings)
Article 20
In boiler rooms using solid or liquid fuels, a sand deposit of at least 0.10 cubic meters and a shovel must be kept in an easily accessible place in the immediate vicinity of the door, along with portable fire extinguishers for at least class 34 B 1 or B 2 fires, the number of which is determined at the rate of two per burner, with a maximum of four required.
For gas-fired boiler rooms, these resources are limited to a multi-purpose powder extinguisher of minimum class 5 A - 34 B, accompanied by a sign stating "Do not use on gas flames".
Sprinklers are permitted. However, in gas-fired boiler rooms, they must be triggered when the gas supply is cut off.